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yeah i plan on blowing a few countless hours on Skyrim when it hits the market that and maybe pick up a copy of Rocksmith Guitar bundle and have myself a Les Paul Junior to play with while playing the next innovation in Music games.

and really liking V4

"Countless hours" will be an understatement as to how much time I'll probably spend in Skyrim, open world RPGs are my favorite kinds of games... and Skyrim is an open world RPG with dragons.. Which only makes it a million times more awesome.

As for Rocksmith... I was kind of excited about it, being a guitarist and all... However, I am extremely disappointed by the setlist, the fast majority of stuff in the game I could play blindfolded, so unless they were to release a fair amount of DLC from more technical bands (Preferably metal), I don't plan on ever picking it up. I do think the idea is awesome though.

And I'm glad to hear you like how the song is progressing!

yeah i was kinda disipointed by the setlist aswell, there was a few good songs that i have heard and other i haven't or just totalty forgot due to m bad memory.

since i lack in the guitar skill category and haven't really touched one for like 3 years or so, playing around with Rocksmith should be a pretty good experience and help me relearn a bit.

i was looking up videos on youtube for it and came across one called Freak Guitar Accident by CorridorDigital and apparently they got the game early to make that video to promote Rocksmith and from what i was told they had very little knowledge prior to getting the game. from watching the video and listening to the music i was impressed at how well it sounded even if it was real simple.

Either way, I think I'll stick to writing my own music and pushing my limits with stuff the game will not likely offer up anytime soon. As cool as the idea behind the game is, I can't justify the cost for something that may end up being entirely pointless for me.

I really, really, really hope it's more like Morrowind than Oblivion. Oblivion feels so limited compared to Morrowind, so dictated by quests, and the stupid level system that makes your enemies stronger as you get stronger and doesn't allow you to find any high quality items until you're a certain level. I'm honestly just trying to not get too excited, because I have a feeling that Skyrim will follow Oblivion more than Morrowind.

From the information I've gathered, the scaling will be a bit less "unrealistic" than it was in Oblivion. I've read that apparently areas are set at a level, and depending on what level you're at when you enter that area, the monsters will adjust slightly (Not right to your level).

So if you're level 5 and you enter an area where the creatures are, say, level 10 as a base, they may be dumbed down 2 levels to level 8. But they'll lock there as well, so when you come back later, they'll still be level 8 if you're level 15.

And from other information I've gathered, players have tried going 1 on 1 with a giant early in the game and got 1 shotted. So I think it's safe to say the scaling isn't as ridiculous as it was in Oblivion, which did annoy me to an extent as well.

Either way... 2 days, and we'll know for sure!

I'm dying of impatience.

I know the feeling!