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Back-From-Purgatory's News

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - January 13th, 2021

One of my previous Patreon exclusives has finally made its way to Youtube, and I'd love if you guys checked it out, like, share, subscribe, all that usual nonsense, and of course let me know what you think. I will love you forever and ever. <3

And as a reminder, I am often streaming on Twitch if you'd like to come hang out. Feel free to drop by and join the party!



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - June 8th, 2020

... If Avo has anything to say about it. I just released my newest song from Patreon to Youtube featuring the lovable Avoinator (A good friend I made in my streaming career). For those not in the know, he has a thing for grounding people, and his OC is a little red haired loli with an avocado on their head.

Enjoy! Like, comment, subscribe, share, you know, all that stuff, and I will love you forever! <3



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 23rd, 2019

Hai peoples! I'm still alive, and I just released a new song as early access on my Patreon page, please go check it out!


Let me know what you think! If you don't have access to it right now, I'd love it if you'd consider becoming a patron! If not, I will be releasing the song on pretty much all digital storefronts, including spotify, itunes, amazon, google music, etc. etc. soon!

And if you enjoy weird merch, please check out my coffee mug I put up as a test run for stream merchandise!



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 16th, 2019

Ahoy hoy, long time no see. Figured I should announce this pretty much everywhere, but I will be doing a 24 hour stream this coming Monday to celebrate hitting over 1,000 followers on Twitch.tv!

I'll be going live in the late afternoon, possibly evening and continuing my stream for 24 hours, it'll be an experience to say the least. For those of you who still keep up with me, I hope to see you all there!



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - June 17th, 2018

So, I recently got back into streaming over on Twitch, and found a home in VRChat, shortly after, I found myself buying an HTC Vive (With money I don't have, woooo), which made the whole experience so much better.  In doing so, I found myself becoming pretty successful as a streamer.  Not only do I greatly enjoy doing it, it also helps put food on my table (More so than my music has ever done if I'm honest).  I shot up to being in the top 100 fastest growing VRChat streamers, much to my surprise, and I've met a ton of really awesome people.

So if you're into Twitch, VR stuff, or a combination of the two, I'd love to see you drop by sometime!  You can find me here:

Also, it has occurred to me that I haven't yet announce my newest song here... So for those that wish to hear it, you can find it here:

The HQ Download is available for all Patrons, so please consider that if you'd like my song downloads.  Not only does it help keep me sheltered and fed, it gets you access to all of my music, as well as some other fun perks.


Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - December 1st, 2017

I did a video for a thing, everyone should subscribe, like, comment and share cause you love me so.
Also, please do check out my patreon page if you have any interest in helping a creator keep creating, much lovings will be sent:

Now here are your "Big ol' knockers", big ol' orchestral drums, which are probably knocked... I feel no shame.



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - October 31st, 2017

Final Destination is now out of Patreon Early Access and available for public listening!  Please do give it a listen, comment, share, pledge, and things, any and all support really means a lot to me.  <3


Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 26th, 2017

My new song is finally fully released.  With some help from @Phyrnna for the video, and illustration by WickedAlucard.

Please be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe.  And if you're feeling particularly generous, you can purchase the song on Google Play, iTunes, or Amazon.com.  It is also available on Spotify.  <3

Any and all support is very much appreciated.


Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 12th, 2017

Regarding my last newspost, I did a lot of thinking, and a bit of talking with Tom, and came to the conclusion that it'd be a waste to outright delete my profile, and instead opted to simply have all of my music taken down.  I guess in doing this, I was banned forever from the audio portal (I dunno, that's how Tom decided to do it I guess), which is fine, because I'm not uploading here anymore regardless.

Either way, my profile will remain, and I will still try post updates here once in a while.  That said, if you want to be in the know sooner than later, I strongly suggest following me on Facebook and/or twitter (My posts on twitter automatically go to my facebook page anyways), as those are the first places that I post new info and updates.

That said, I will have a big announcement to make hopefully within the coming week.  Those of you already following me on my FB page should already be aware of it if you've seen my most recent post.

So stay in the know:




Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 2nd, 2017

I know what you're thinking... I already left like 2 years ago, and you're right, I did... But this time, I'm not just going quiet.

I am having my account straight up deleted.

I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, I would have very much liked to have left my profile here, as it was how I started, I did a lot of growing here, I made a lot of connections, and I learned a lot of new things... However, an extremely unethical change has been made in regards to the rights of my music without my knowledge or consent, one that I will not abide.

If you'd like to keep up with me, you can find me at the following places:

I also have a Discord server I run, of which I may allow some people into... I am extremely selective as to who I allow in however.  That said, asking is free, and it does no harm.

I have not been horribly active over the last couple of years, but believe it or not, I am working on things, and they will eventually see the light of day.  If you'd like to know when those things finally arrive, I would suggest following me at the above sites.

My account will vanish within the next week or so, those of you who still enjoy what I do, I hope to hear from you soon.  Those of you that don't.. well, I... uhh... just do you, I guess.