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:Still no edit post button on the forums
And there will never be one

There should be, making a typo or a small oversight in a contest thread should not mean getting a BBS mod to delete it so you can start all over again.

Honestly, the one thing that I truly despise about newgrounds is the fact that there is no Edit Post button. I'd even settle for only being able to edit a post for like 4 hours after it was made, then it's locked in... but not being able to edit at all causes more problems than it solves.

Well, maybe checking the spelling or think twice before posting would solve the cause

I always double check, doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to find every mistake, and there are always unforeseen issues when running contests that could be easily fixed if you were allowed to edit the original post.

Your sig baffles me.. I had no idea you could return from purgatory..

Anyhow.. Dropped in to say that I love the rework of "Bet'cha Can't Play This".
I forgot to mention that when I posted.

Let me tell ya, it messes with your head.

As for Betcha Can't Do This... Yeah, and your challenge will actually be of benefit to me, I just gave it a little test run, and it's gonna force me to break my habit of economy picking to be able to play it clean... And that's a really nasty habit of mine, I switch between alternate picking and economy picking at seemingly completely random times while I play.

Haha yeah, there's a right and a wrong time for it. This little riff exemplifies the wrong time pretty well.

So I've noticed, I really have to force myself to play it properly, it's like a freaking mind game... and I'm losing. Been playing like this for so long, it's ridiculously difficult to break the habit. Could very well be why I'm no good at soloing.

More commenting to do (as if a lot of people care):


> No Edit button sucks, agreed. In my last comment to your last newspost there should have been a "Tranquill probably decribes it best." somehow that got pretty scrambled and I couldn't fix it when I saw it (as it was allready posted).
> Dunno, even if I am active on forums/boards I keep to single interessting threads and ignore the rest.
> No animated Avatars/Sigs - thank goodness, usually you end up with the weirdest shit no one wants to see.
> I like the overal style. Yes it's an overload for the first minutes - but the page is clearly structured and pretty easy to navigate, easier then before, more streamlined. This ain't allways the case for websites and redesigns - examples for that would be the-escapist.com or the new EVE Online (community) homepage (out since tuesday). Later of which is pretty much the old homepage with more fancy graphics while the first mentioned just ... well, the buttons got larger, the graphics were streamlined but the overall layout is a mess imho.

Sizedoesn'tmatter(thatmuch)! (playing the sexual innuendo, your fault =P). No seriously. Advanced Tau Tactica ((.com) yeah I know I'm a geek ;D ) has a maximum of 55 visible characters allowed, either as plaintext or hyperlinks. That's totally fine. It keeps the forum nice and clean so to say.
Maybe you should change the picture in your sig to fit your avatar if you allready have that in there - or leave it out. Or make something that looks as fancy as the new resign (which might be slightly harder then the current one, unless you're as talented with pictures as with music).

As much as I consider the no edit button a inconvenience, I can live without it.

I could delete your comment so you could retype it... but that'd be tedious, so you'll have to live with the typo, hur hur.

I largely only frequent the Audio Forum, with the video game forum and Art forums on the side, but the Audio Forum is pretty much my "home" on newgrounds.

Animated Sigs/Avatars is something else I would like, but really, I'm not at all upset that they aren't there... I just like the novelty.

As for the sig, yeah, I'm capable of much better, I can edit the hell out of a sig to make it look awesome using other art, and I could probably design my own... but I don't draw anywhere near as often as I write music, so I usually stick to editing other art. Honestly, I only spent about 2 min. on the sig I'm using now, was a real simple edit.
But I'm a big fan of "simplicity is effective"... So it works fine for me...

... And it's been a while since I've had a sig that actually had my screen name in it.

Btw I love it how the ng-users've reacted, they demanded the redesign first, and they couldn't live without it, and they were waiting and willing to have/see it so bad.
Now they're complaining about how shitty it is, it actually is not.
The new design is made simple, and dauym advanced at the same time.
Because noobs are inattentive, they complain about:
"Omfg ni**a, I can't see the score of the movie, f*ck the redesign I'ma leave right now"
Well no one cares, because when you rollover the stars below any movie, you'd see the score and the votecount.
It's simple things like that, but people don't use their brains to find out, even without finding out, they'll end up loving the redesign anyway. Because ppl are born to complain, even if they're having it good and don't even know about it.

I have my gripes, but overall I love the redesign, it was a HUGE step forward for the Audio Portal at the very least... But it doesn't matter how good it is, people will always have something to complain about. Including myself, although I'm not gonna rage over it and threaten to leave the site like a lot of people do.

If it was a major, major inconvenience, then maybe I'd be upset about it... but as it is, pretty much all of my gripes with the redesign are rather minor. And some of them are being fixed down the line anyways.

that pretty much I'm really liking the emoticons

It's surprising how much more fun emoticons make the forums isn't it?

The edit button would be bad because you can always edit your post if someone else has a problem with it.

Putting a time limit on how long after you post you can edit would pretty much eliminate that problem, a lot of forums use that system, giving users a window of about an hour to edit their post before it's locked in.

Or only allowing you to edit so much of the post, I've seen that used as well, although not quite as often.