Long live Tomoko !
Joined on 12/11/04
Long live Tomoko !
Forever and ever!
Well, since she's not aiming a gun at me, alright. I shall give this forum I've heard sooooooo much about a chance.
Also I'm adding your booty on Skype.
No you're not. Now make those terms nicer.
And if I refuse?
this is really good :)
Is this character from a certain anime?
It's not an anime... yet. She's Kuroki Tomoko from the Manga "It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!".
It was recently announced that it will be getting an anime adaptation though. Which I am greatly looking forward to.
Your wish is my command.
Well, you can't say no to a nervous, flat-chested anime chick. XD
Damn rights you can't!
not bad at all :)
Why thank you!
I don't want to.
I'm not going to.
Be that way then... Hmph!
No one can resist tomoko!
So it seems.
Ugh FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIneeeeeee....Naap, wait, the answer is still no. *Jumps out window*
You're gonna make Tomoko cry...
-Checks out page- ...Registration? PPFFFTT! Maybe next time. Cute art, though.
hmm im hesitant to click the link...but might i say: i use a similar anime style and this would be a near perfect replica of my character june exept...june has slightly shorter hair with purple highlights. nice pic.
The link is not malicious, I have a forum full of people that will confirm that.
Also... it is a nice pic, isn't it?
ahh.what the i don no wat ta say.ok bye!
im makin one cuz i feel like it (must listen to tomoko) *_*
Yes... give in to the godliness that is Tomoko...
Oh Purgy, stop being so cheap! Otherwise I shall have to buy you for an entire week as my own personal whore! :P
I might be ok with that actually.
I did it. Now what?
Join the fun, of course.
Do you accept Paypa.... oh wait... you're probably cash only.
Cash only is the way to be.
I was on hiatus but my account was deleted...GREAT
Not deleted, just not moved over to the new format.
for Tomoko
Yey <3