


Joined on 12/11/04

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Damn, I can't help but to get this feeling that your voice is...well, a bit softer than I remembered.
Maybe it because the audio quality doesn't sound bad like in that interview with RF???

Yeah, like I said about the interview previously, I had REALLY bad audio quality on my end there... I've since tweaked it a bit to clear things up a bit, so I don't sound nearly as awful as the interview made it seem.

As Chuggaaconroy himself has admitted to saying:

"Now Emile, patience is a virtue."
"But it's a BORING virtue!"


Well... Uhhh... find a way to amuse yourself?

Any plans on getting Battlefield 4?

I've already preordered it.

That was awesome.


I had a positive K:D, I'm happy with that.

I wish I didn't suck at guitar. T^T

Hey, Purgy, I caught the live stream when you aired it last night.


i am always the first one killed :(

I get that sometimes... run in with a huge group of people, and somehow I'm the first one always picked off.

You don't suck at guitar, foo! Hell, you're better at playing it than I am!


No, that was honesty! THIS is flattery: you got a purty mouth.

D'awww shucks...

....or should I say "purgy mouth", AHWAHWAHWAHWAHW- *gets shot*


Damn Brazil internet connection! Can't watch livestreams :(


...hmm.. I get the dumb fingers when playing first person shooters using console controllers
.... FPS aren't my strongest

I can't stand playing shooters with a controller. I do use a controller when I play BF3... but only when I'm flying a jet or a helicopter, I use mouse and keyboard for everything else.

Yeah I find it more annoying to play with a console control but Ive gotten pretty good at it, but mouse and keyboard always are my first option.

Also I think it would be... interesting to see a lets play from you. I kinda wanted to do one but I never actually got around to it.

A lets play of what though? I've done a shit ton of streaming for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn... not really a Lets Play considering I'm not really doing anything out of the norm... just questing, dungeons, general leveling... same thing I'd do if I was playing without streaming, I've only really done voice once while streaming it so far.

I dunno, I'm open to suggestions though.

Hmm.... Maybe like an adventure/rpg game, that would be cool.

I'd stream Tales of Xillia... but my capture card isn't here yet, and probably won't be until next month.

An Osu gaming with people from the forum. And everbody's on skype. So the video will be such a mess that people won't watch it.

That's kind of counter-productive, don't you think?

Thinking isn't my thing.
But actualy. If everypeople who play make advert at this person's friends. You may have more and more people watching.

Ideally, yes.

You've played Xilia? How was it? I just got a ps3 and I really like the tales games :)

I haven't beaten it... or even gotten very far yet... Cause shortly after I got Xillia, I also got FFXIV: A Realm Reborn... and I've been so very addicted to that game that I haven't touched Xillia since I got it.

... So far it's awesome though. The humor and general dialog, and even the graphics for the most part, are much more mature and less, "Friendship is magic". No more Asbel (Graces F) spouting off a line like, "I know we can make it through this, because we are friends!"

But yeah, great so far... will play it again... sometime... after I break my FFXIV addiction even a little.

... Probably.

There are really cheap mics ou there that are decent quality which you can just stick on to headphones
Thats what I did

That'd be convenient... I'll look into it.

purgy i don't know why but your voice turns me on *moans loudly* (u o u)

also i have bf3. if i knew you played, it i would've played it a lot more...

Glad to see I can be of service.... I think...

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