...submitted half-written by accident, sorry!
*runs away*
Joined on 12/11/04
...submitted half-written by accident, sorry!
*runs away*
I think I can forgive you.
Eyyyy will be looking forward to it...assuming that you'll release it mid- to late-March.
Hopefully much sooner than that.
that vĂdeo...
...We want Miku! We want Miku!
I figured that'd illicit that kind of reaction from somebody... Miku's coming, I promise.
hey Purgy sama ! It's been a long time..
Still listening your stuffs. I can't wait, I wanna hear new things =D
And hopefully you will soon enough.
What's her damn name again ... I know I've seen her on enough rated A pictures but I have no dang idea where she is from. Something with red...
Oh new song yada yada, sadly I can't listen to the inspiration (f you too national "artists rights" moneygrabbing (insert really offensive curseword here)).
If you mean the picture, that's Flandre Scarlet from Touhou.
If you mean the video, that's IA, a vocaloid.
And lame.
Hey, Purgy-san, have you heard of composer Kajiura Yuki-san? Her music is really worth listening too.
I have, she's done a lot of music for a lot of anime I really liked... Or I really liked the music in said anime.
Cool. Care to elaborate on any?
Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, Madoka, Noir (I was totally entranced by that music box theme), Pandora Hearts, Sword Art Online... just to name a few.
This is actually a neat thing to try out (granted i can't understand a single word) since this actually sounds interesting though a bit repetetive
I'm assuming you mean the video. But yes... Vocaloid covers are awesome... In fact, I like this cover more than I do the original song.
Sorry still a bit sleep deprived form new years and yes i meant the video
I see, I see... it's quite a nice video, I'm quite fond of it.
._. When reading that comment I imagined you having a tablet playing the video and you petting it like a cat
how can anyone else describe this less than COMPLETE AWSUM!
*readies to click follow button...if it is indeed the genre he expects it to be...*
And what genre do you expect it to be?
That's a se--*checks audio submissions*--ah nevermimd, you already did it!
Ok then.
I'm learning Japanese and I can only read hiragana at the moment, so it was nice to see a little word that I could at least read / translate on my own.
"...share it with your pets..." - I could share it with my parrot if you want. He listens to music via radio all day. And talks to himself when no-one's around, although he's a little shy when you actually want him to say a phrase.
Anyway I'll be sure to check out your channel and I'm s