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Americans are as bad as Bin Laden.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 4th, 2011

Bring on the hate... But it's the truth.

Everywhere on the net I go, I see just as much hate mongering coming from Americans as it likely came from Bin Laden to his own people. Bin Laden leveled a couple buildings... The States retaliated by stealing oil from uninvolved countries and killing hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians in search of the terrorist.

Really, the States isn't doing much for it's reputation... Not that it had much of one to begin with. Sure, it sucks that all those people lost their lives in the 9/11 attack... But imagine how the innocents on the other side feel when the States barged into their country and leveled their homes, killed their husbands/wives/children trying to find a bad apple amongst a country of mostly innocent people.

An American soldier dies, and the news here goes mad, throwing even more hate mongering around... Where's the news of the innocent people that soldier likely killed looking for Bin Laden?

Then Bin Laden dies, instead of bowing your heads in respect to all the innocent people that died on both sides so you could have your revenge, you roam the streets waving American flags shouting hateful slurs about a people that, who as a whole, had little to nothing to do with the terrorist attack in the first place.

This is why the better majority of the world hates the US. But that's ok as long as you have your pride, right?

I for one, am glad I am not American, I could not stand to live in a country that resorts to the same despicable practices that the terrorists likely took part in after the 9/11 attack.
That's right... I just said the US is no better than the terrorists.

The truth hurts.


Two words: Humanity sucks.

You'll hear no argument from me.

I've got relatives in the US Army, and they've told me only half of the civilian casualties are caused by the military's mistakes. The other half of it is split between civilians caught in crossfires/suicide bombers and serious sickos on our own side. Seriously, some bastards killed an old farmer and took pictures posing with his body. Then some others shot up some poor kid. Then you got those douchebags who take advantage of those who can't read/speak English and take pictures with them holding signs that say stuff like "I f*** goats" or other stuff. I'm disappointed that the Army doesn't give a psychiatric exam to at least keep the murderers out. If I remember correctly, ROE says don't engage until engaged. I don't see how these guys aren't court marshalled. Just a side note, I think Americans are getting stupider too. Almost all of them. (Myself not included; I know what's up some of the time.)

I feel no sympathy whatsoever for Bin Laden's fate. But to be glad that another human life has been lost and wasted is wrong. Instead of celebrating Bin Laden's death, why don't you use this time to reflect on those who lost their lives? Silly Americans.

I live in America.

I won't lie, we suck as a country, but we are not terrorists by any means.

We don't go out of our way to kill innocents. I will admit, quite a few got caught up in things, but we never meant it.

Still, when Obama is re-elected, I'm prolly gonna move to Canada, or maybe England.
Not sticking around for him to fuck up the country a second time

We're all going to be Americans one day :[

I f*cking agree! F*ck US, F*ck terrorists, F*ck the world upside down! There's nice speech you got there! Keep it up! Myself live in Sweden and are not involved in this at all.. But I hate the whole world pretty much :P

I concur; people can be so ignorant when it comes to action and they forget to realized the consequences others have to face.