Recently, I have been incredibly moved by some of the reviews you guys have been leaving, not to say that I haven't gotten touching reviews in the past... but lately, I've been feeling a little more emotional about all the positive feedback.
I'm usually on the boat of people that hate those that leave reviews that offer little to no real constructive criticism beyond the typical, "I love it! This is great!"... But I guess after a while, even if it's not incredibly helpful from a production point of view, it builds up into real appreciation just from the thought that people like it enough to simply say they love it.
Some of the reviews I've been getting lately have almost brought me to tears... In a good way of course. And I just wanted to say, I love you all, and you've no idea how much it means to me that you enjoy the extremely schizoid music I have a habit of putting out.
If I were rich, I would buy each and every one of you a present and personally deliver it. Really, there aren't any words for me to describe how good it makes me feel to see some of these reviews, so all I can really say is thank you.
And for those that haven't checked it out yet... I have uploaded version 3 of my song -A Taste Of...-. Be sure to check it out if you get a chance... The reaction I've had to this so far has been overwhelming, and I hope to hear from more people, love it or hate it.