So, a while back, I had been doing a "Band of the Week" thing, where I had featured a band that I had found exceptionally talented and/or underrated. At the time I was only featuring bands outside of Newgrounds that I had found by various means. However, I would like to bring this back as Song of the Week, featuring 100% Newgrounds artists.
Being an audio mod, I get the pleasure of listening to hundreds upon hundreds of songs every week, so I figure if nothing else, I can always find a newcomer that could use a little exposure while I'm doing my modding.
What's the addition you ask? Well, I'm also a fan of the Art Portal, and while I'm by no means extremely active over there, in practice or social means, I figure I browse enough of the art that I can include an "Art of the Week" selection as well.
These picks will be chosen at my own discretion or by way of suggestions from members of the site. I won't necessarily be posting up the stuff I think is the best, but I'll be picking stuff that I feel is underrated or has a certain touch to it that just adds that little extra something, even if it's not a technical masterpiece.
But before I post up the reincarnation of my "Best of the week", I'd like to whore out my latest song first, give it a listen and let me know what you think!: /437760
Song of the Week:
Artist: zuperzNG
Song: Bit Beats
Art of the Week:
Artist: Syringes
Art: Skoll
heh? ....I remember you having Post about facebook...
Yep, saying I deleted my facebook account. Then I deleted the post about deleting my facebook account because it was an eyesore.