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Cry me a Weekly!

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - September 24th, 2011

So, I missed weekly picks last week because I was feeling absolutely god awful, but fret not, I will not miss two weeks in a row! But first, as usual, I'll do a little blabbing before I reveal my picks of the week:

For starters... Remember I was talking about Disgaea 4? Well.. I still haven't completed the post game bosses. I'm at around 90 hours into the game right now, and I still have the last post-post game boss to beat, he has this awesome way of one shotting my strongest characters, while I can get him down about half health in practically the first turn, he then wipes out half my team on his turn, which leaves me without most of my heavy hitters, which inevitably leads to a Game Over screen. But I WILL beat him dammit!

Secondly, along with the theme of my previous newspost about sad anime, I had just finished watching Clannad ~After Story~. I had already watched the previous season of Clannad under curiosity hearing everyone say it's one of the saddest things you'll ever watch, and honestly... I was kind of underwhelmed, so I had put off watching After Story up til now.

(((Before you read on, if you have any intention of watching Clannad ~After Story~ and don't want any spoilers, however minor, skip this next paragraph.)))

Well, I kind of regret putting it off, because After Story was what the original Clannad should have been. I cried like a baby a couple of times. And while the ending was more or less ridiculous in the "Something has to happen to make it a happy ending!" kind of way, it didn't bother me as much as previously mentioned H2O. I enjoyed the story enough to see past the somewhat supernatural turn around at the end. Although I was left a little confused at the very final moment of the series. There was a scene of which I didn't really know what to make of it.

(((Ok, spoilers done, read on!)))

In music news, keep it a secret.... but I've started working on Dream Part Two. But you didn't hear it from me!

And that's really it for news this week, so here are my weekly picks:

Song of the Week:
Artist: SBB
Song: ==(Hammock Song)==
Purgatory Comment:
Very smooth jazzy feel to it, it's real relaxing. And oddly enough, to me, sounds like something you'd hear in one of the Sims games while you're in "Buy Mode". Take that however you will, but it's meant as a compliment.

Art of the Week:
Artist: Comick
Art: Idoltry-Close Up
Purgatory Comment:
Never before has gazing upon a cat made me scared to go to sleep.
... I like it!

Cry me a Weekly!


sbb always makes sexy ditties.

I agree!

clannad was a bit confusing for me when i watched because of both endings i dont really know which one i prefer really but the origional ending is okay but not sure about the other in after story by the way is after story actually part of the main story or is it just something they made up

Clannad After Story is a continuation of the previous season, you really do have to watch the previous season to understand everything that's going on, because there isn't really a recap to get you up to speed.

And I'm not sure if you're talking about the "Kyou Chapter"? The one episode alternate? Honestly, I'm up on the fence, because really, the Kyou Chapter was too short to really sell me on wanting that to be the actual ending, not enough happened to really warrant me wishing that's how it happened.

your a dumb fucking cunt go back to deviant art faggot

Eh? I'm a musician, not a visual artist, I've never been an active member of dA. I guess you would've known that had you read the post.

But instead, you got banned, lulz.

I still liked kanon 2006 better.. I predicted it couldn't have been a sad ending from a long time ago... didn't think of anyway to fix their problems though.. oh wait, voodo magic, sweet!

I really liked the Makoto arc, but the rest was kinda meh for me in comparison. Not to say I didn't enjoy it all the way through, I did... but nothing after the Mokoto arc really blew me away.

Hey thanks a lot for the art feature! That was really nice of you and I appreciate the support of my work! :)

No problem, keep up the awesome work!

Love games myself. I'm 188 hours into Medieval Total War Kingdoms. Haven't beaton my Norway campaign yet. Tough game - or I'm bad at it.
For RPG I'm excited about White Knight Chronically 2. FF7 was the last RPG I played this year and I only got 15 hours into before I accidently deleted my file.

Anyway great art. Keep at it duder.

I'm a pretty big gamer myself, although I've been pickier and pickier about what games I play lately, a lot of new games I'll end up putting in like 1-4 hours then just drop it... Don't know why, just doesn't hold me I guess. But I'm going on around 120 hours in Disgaea 4 right now and I just started my second playthrough (New Game+).

I'm a fan of the Total War franchise as well, but I wear out when playing it pretty fast. I've also heard good things about White Knight Chronicals, but never tried it, maybe I'll pick up 2 at some point instead.

I also have FF7 from the PSN, but I really haven't put much time into it yet, I always seem to get sidetracked with other games... And once Skyrim comes out, I'll likely not touch anything else for a couple months, heh.