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Last Newspost Before Redesign

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 3rd, 2012

That's right, it's now officially 5:17am (6:11am by the time this was posted... oi...) Friday the 3rd of February... 3 days from the launch of the Newgrounds redesign on Monday. As such, this will likely be my last newspost before the redesign, hurrah!
To celebrate, this post is gonna be massive. Don't like reading? Too bad.

Anyways, I have a few things to note, in no particular order:

1: Working On Another Cover
Before I reveal what cover it is this time... Yes, I am still planning on doing my cover of Last Night, Good Night, but I've been procrastinating and finding other fun things to mess with that has been keeping me from finishing it.

This time, it's My Dearest (Opening song for a currently airing anime Guilty Crown, which I have not seen any of yet). I found this video (The one linked in the previous sentence) yesterday, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful... So once again, I went looking for a midi file so I could learn to play it. And yet again, I was unable to find one (At least a decent one), so I downloaded the sheet music and will be working from that to create my own midi.

The cool thing about this is... I've been slacking on re-learning to read sheet music, I already know all the notation and what it means, but the note names across the staff is something I've long forgotten, and worse yet, back when I did know them, I only ever had to use the treble clef, as I didn't play piano. So now I'm using this opportunity to help drill the note names into my head while I'm transcribing the sheet music to midi. 2 birds with 1 stone.

2: Above It All (Feat. Bad-Man-Incorporated)
I mentioned this a while back, that Bad-Man-Incorporated will be doing a vocal part for my song Above It All. Yes, it's been a while, and I have had a person or two ask when it's coming, and the answer is "Soon TM".
It hasn't been forgotten, it hasn't been scrapped, BMI is a busy guy. Despite this, he sent me a sample earlier yesterday, and we're working out the verse part. So it is coming, I promise.

3: Skype
Recently, the audio forum has somewhat banded together on Skype to chat, help people with issues related to their songs, feedback, and generally just have a chat group they can log into and shoot the breeze with fellow audio folk.
Given this, my Skype account has practically become my official chat medium for Newgrounds, and seeing as I am an audio mod, I figure I may as well shoot my Skype contact out to anyone that cares to chat, be it about audio issues, games, whatever.

So, here's my Skype name:
When you search that up, apparently there are like 200 results, but look for the one that has the name Back-From-Purgatory with it, and that'll be me. Feel free to add me, and shoot me a message any time.

4: Butterfly Effect
Ever seen the movie "Butterfly Effect"? Did you enjoy it? Do you enjoy anime?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, I have something for you... If you answered no to the majority of them, move on to #5.
Steins;Gate, watch it.
There are no words to describe how awesome this anime is. As suggested, it is very similar to Butterfly Effect in terms of plot elements, it is centered around the idea that changing things in the past, no matter how minor can have dire effects on the future.
The flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.

The show makes great use of this plot element as it shifts through numerous moods throughout it's 24 episodes. From lighthearted comedy, to suspense, to tragedy. Plot twists that throw you every-which-way, and a satisfying conclusion... This show deserves your attention.

5: Music, Links and Stuff
So, not exactly common knowledge, I do have a youtube account of which I post both gaming videos as well as music (Often mixed together), as well as a Soundcloud account. Why am I mentioning this? Because I'm trying to extend my reach across the internet, as dandy as Newgrounds is, as a musician, I really do need to make use of pretty much all resources available to me if I want to gain fans.

So, profile links below:
Back-From-Purgatory's Youtube
Back-From-Purgatory's Soundcloud
Back-From-Purgatory's Twitter

And now below I'm gonna list off a few submissions on my profile that I'd really love to get a little more feedback on, so listen, rate, and let me know what you think in a review (Ordered from newest to oldest):
Tick Tock (Trance)
Above It All (Metal)
A Taste of... (Version 4) (Orchestral Metal)
Them (Classical?)
Final Flight (Updated!) (Trance)
Yin (Classical)

Any extra reviews are greatly appreciated!

6: Your Opinion
Last but certainly not least... I'm looking for some public opinion.
"On what?" you ask?
My music. No, I don't mean reviews, that's what the last section was for... This time I want to know of the 3 genres I most often do, being Metal, Trance, and Classical.
Which do you enjoy the most?
Which do you think I'm best at?
And which would you like to see more of from me?

If your answer to any of those questions is something that's not metal, trance or classical, that's perfectly fine, those aren't the only genres I ever do, they're just the ones I do most often.

Your opinions are greatly appreciated!

7: Quest Complete!
As a reward for reading all the way through this ginormous newspost, I am proud to present a fucking awesome metal song:

Until next time,
Back-From-Purgatory, out.


I don't usually comment but, since I am in a "challenging" modd and do like the way you put together your songs, I will gladly say you have a lot of talent. I did enjoyed your work, specially the "A Taste of..." which got me a lot of ideas to write things and I do love any kind of song where someone can mix classic and a more heavy beat so nicely as you did. Since you did ask for opinions, I'd love to see more of that kind of song from you, maybe with more classic instruments and not so much focus on the heavy beat? As much as I do love Metal and Trance, a bit of Classic mixed with them would be greatly appreciated, specially with the way you seen to mix them so well together.

I wish you luck in your work and it was a pleasure being introduced to your songs.

Thanks! Always nice to hear people enjoy what I do, and it has been a while since I've done any orchestral metal, so no doubt I'll probably end up doing something new (Or updating A Taste of...) sooner than later.

Thanks for your thoughts on everything!

I don't like reading.

Yeah, reading is hard.

Cool - we'll wait.

Cool - we'll wait.

Man your liberal about your data. But hell if it works for you that's cool with me too.

4. I skipped that. Anime are cool the Butterfly effect was stupid. Allthough I can't remember the exact happenings I knew of 3 ways he could've had her and no one would've been screwed by the end of the movie.

I'll see to write some reviews when I feel like it. Maybe when I can get my hands on a bottle of wine ... helps to make the words flow - as in "I-don't-give-a fuck-what-I'm-saying"-way opposed to "I'm-to-shy-to-say-something-while-no t drunk"-way.
Go Go Critique-Ranger!
"Critiscismon lands an excellent hit inflicting 143.7 damage on your ego!"
(The damage text is stolen 1:1 from EVE Online I just noticed o.O - and I wrote it down from the top of my head +.~ )

Short version:
Enjoy the most: Metal
Do the best: all of them?

Long version:
Trance - Hur Dur, not really my thing. What defines Trance as a style anyway? Reminds a bit of this guy (at least Tick Tock for some reason): Neutr4lNumb3r on youtube/soundcloud.
As I have no particular idea of how Trance should/does sound no judgement.

Metal - Hell yeah. I like. You good. All fine (I'd take more if you don't mind supplying us with free trips so to say).

Classical - Nice stuff. Not my kind. Nice works though. Tranquil would descie

7. Doesn't stay with me either. To - high. Not that I have anything against women. I just dislike Soprano I guess.
Bass for the win (as a pitch of voice and as instrument ^^ )!!!

I think you could do something like Neutr4lNumb3r - Hall of the Stars. Though it seems a bit stretchy at parts I really like it. I bet you can do something like that as well and as good. Would be interessting to listen what it would sound like with your musical background.

I just started transcribing page 4 (Out of 6) of the sheet music, although the song is starting to get a lot more active, so the last couple pages will probably take me a while to get done.

Hopefully for not too long.

My Skype account is in no way linked to my Newgrounds profile except in name, so having a bunch of random newgrounders add me won't harm me any.

I loved the Butterfly Effect (The first one anyways, the second was terrible). But different strokes for different folks I guess.

I look forward to your feedback!

You flatter me.

Actually her voice isn't all that high in comparison to other singers, she's got a much lower voice than the vast majority of female singers. But again, different strokes for different folks.

I'll look into it.

:OO You like touhou!?!?!? AWESOME

I LOVE Touhou. Any series of game that has it's own musical genre is awesome in my books, and even better, there's an entire Touhou Metal genre at this point.

I personally think you should drop trance(not a fan of that genre) and do some more pratice on classical/orchestra and try doing expriementing (ie mixing metal and classical) or exercise on genres like hip/hop/jazz/r&b a little

my thoughts

I don't plan on dropping anything entirely, because I do enjoy writing all of it... but it's nice to know what people enjoy the most, so that I don't go an extended length of time doing one thing to find out I'm losing people because I'm not doing something else very often.

As for experimenting... I do quite a bit of that... Although most of it never makes it to my profile (Save the orchestral metal).

I appreciate the thoughts!