So, as the title implies... I just spent all day working on a song for my album... in particular... "Awakening". And it's still not done.
This might be one of those songs where by the time I'm done writing it and everything, I'll hate it because I've had to listen to it over and over again... hundreds of thousands of times... while trying to get it just right.
Fortunately, it is almost done, I just have I guess what you could call 1 "section" left to do, as well as a few tweaks throughout the song, and then mixing... And I've already got a few other songs going in regards to the other genres going on the album (Classical and Trance/Electronic), so hopefully once I get Awakening done, I'll zoom right along, as when I'm doing metal, I always seem to take longer to finish a track. Mostly due to human error while recording the guitar parts... And partly due to the horrible midi interface in Reaper (Which I use to write pretty much anything that involves guitar, as opposed to FL Studio for everything else).
Orchestral metal is a lot of work for 1 person, I'm tellin' ya.
Also... have some wub wub... because I don't really have anything else of worth to say right at the moment...
Wub wub wub wub.
You guys should totally follow me. I have no idea what following me does for you (Or me)... but you should do it and tell me what happens. I'll love you long time.
No you won't >:P
You're probably right... I'm sorry!
... But I would appreciate it!