As always, been a while since I've upload a song, so I figured I should finish (more or less) something I've been messing with before I start my new job and don't have time to do much of anything.
So, here it is, as I mentioned in my previous news post, this here is the song I've been working on that really isn't like anything I've done before. Variety of influences in this one, and I'm not entirely sure I'm finished with it, I may just keep expanding on it and tweaking it, we shall see.
So, yeah, link:Only The Beginning
And as always, do please head on over to my youtube channel and share some love.
Also... I'ma drop a sneak peek of something else I'm working on, because I'm really bad at keeping secrets:
Just subscibed on your channel. Could use some more vids.
I'm gonna be trying to get into posting more often and with more variety. I have 2 channels really, 1 for music and the other for gaming, but since I don't really have that large of a following, I'm thinking of just combining both into my main channel until there's enough traffic to justify having 2 separate channels for those.
Regardless, I am going to be trying to post more often.