I'm gonna make this short and sweet.
Lately, I've been writing music because I feel like I should. And I've been writing music in the way that I think I should. I stopped writing music because I wanted to.
And here I am, with a new song that I wrote because I wanted to, and I wrote it how I wanted to.
There are a lot of things wrong with this in terms of musical structure, probably mixing, and generally with just how most people view music. And I don't care. I like what I did, and that's what made music fun for me, writing things how I like to, instead of how I feel I should.
So yeah, give 'er a listen, tell me you love it, tell me you hate it, tell me all the things I did wrong, all of the things I did right. Like it, hate it, share it, delete it. But as long as I like what I did, I am satisfied.
I'm also going to post a random completely unrelated picture... Just because I want to.
The track was smooth and I really can't point out anything wrong with it. But I don't much about music, so maybe I'm wrong. I really liked it though.
Also, too bad this had nothing to do with matrix.
Glad you like it... No idea what you mean with that last bit though.