Can you say...
Can you say... David Firth wannabe?
Can you say...
Can you say... David Firth wannabe?
Yes, I riped off David Firth.
Ok, but...
If you're gonna do a remake, you could do something other than just copy the original exactly and add in different scenes or something. Looks to me like all you did was trace the original and add in a tiny bit more detail...
ok, but... the shapes and EVERYTHING are totally different. Theres no way this was traced, moron.
First off, if you're gonna be musical.. At least try learning more than 2 chords on guitar... Goddamn repetative that was, and the "chipmunk singing" didn't gain any points for humor or whatever you were hoping to accomplish. I feel like my musical talents have lessened by watching this clip...
Your musical talnets have lessoned. My work here is done.
Joined on 12/11/04