
160 Audio Reviews

82 w/ Responses

ANGRY!! )=<

This song makes me want to drive fast and punch someone in the face... In a good way... If that's even possible.

Unfortunately, I'm still a little behind on dubstep, so I've got little to offer in the way of constructive criticism... However, I will say that I quite enjoyed this, even in it's unfinished state... I particularly loved the very angry sound you gave the bass between the wobbles as well as the somewhat discordant "melody" that played in the background.

Very foreboding, good work!

Kirbyfemur responds:

Thanks very much. I'm still trying to figure out the whole dubstep thing myself actually. But i think i'm getting close :3

Very nice.

I'm quite impressed by this piece, the mood switches are practically seamless, and everything flows nicely together.

I only have a couple very minor issues, which could just be personal preference. First, I love the piano that was introduced early on in the song, it was very well played and I thought added a lot to that section of the song... But I was disappointed that that was about the only point in the song that a piano made an appearance after hearing that lovely melody it played early in the song.
Secondly, I felt that the quick run on what more or less sounds like a harp at 1:55 sounded very out of place. It sounded much to "8-bit video game-y" for the rest of the music to me.

Overall though, expertly done, this may very well make it onto my iTunes playlist.

reel2 responds:

Thanks you! Switching the mood is something I set in focus for this song. As a composer for film It's something I have to master.

The also like the piano piece, but It's melody is from my other song. This track and that one sort of fits together as a couple. They will all be on my new album coming out this fall on Spotify! :D

About the "8 bit VG harp" haha. It's actually a celesta. I tried going with a harp but I found myself liking this sound better. Thanks for your review!


This song has a very unique feel to it, it has a rock feel despite the 4 to the floor drum pattern, and it pulls off the upbeat driven beat to mellow undertone feel very well.

My biggest complaint is that despite a few very interesting switch ups in the latter half of the song, it is more or less the same melody all the way through making it somewhat repetitive. I also feel the short little "break" at 2:40 could've used a little extra something to make it not feel so abrupt. As much as I love extreme switches like that, this one just seemed to be missing a little something.

That aside, very unique, and well worth more attention that it's getting, so I've gone ahead and featured it as my Song of the Week, gratz!

Kirbyfemur responds:

I'll probably go back to this one and mess with it a bit since i know i have both the abrupt and repetitiveness to my songs, but that seems to be my process, cause eventually in the end i will have changed it enough that there is little, or just enough repetition. Again thanks by the way :3

Very Nice

Very smooth, well done track. Real nice jazzy feel to it.

Honestly, there's not a whole lot I can really criticize, my biggest issue is that there is a lot of fret noise in this, which I can't complain too much about, because I have a lot of fret noise in my own stuff when recording acoustic parts.
Although I guess I could also complain that it's too short, so let's throw that generic complaint out there too.

In any case, very awesome relaxing track, I've chosen to feature it as my pick for Song of the Week this week! Congratz!

Soft Spot, you hit it.

I have a soft spot for orchestral metal, especially when neither the guitar nor the orchestra takes a backseat to the other, and this has just the right balance.

Biggest issue you're already aware of, which is the mixing, it is absolutely horrid, but that's something that can be fixed. Next up would be that it's so damn short! But I can't give you too much crap on that front, as I get a lot of the same complaint about my own music.

I also love the guitar riffs from 0:30 onwards, before that, it's pretty damn cliché, but the fact that it fits in nicely with the strings makes up for that.

Overall, I think this could definitely be turned into something great, which is why I've gone ahead and featured this song as my pick for Song of the Week! Congratulations!


I definitely had an all out nerdgasm listening to this song, very awesome lyrics, and for the most part, it flows really really nice.

And judging by the "RoughVocals" tag in title, I'm pretty sure you're already aware of what my biggest complaint is... the rough vocals, it's disgustingly obvious that it's layered (I have nothing against layering, I do it myself), lyrics, in relation to the other layer, are off time to the point that it makes it near impossible to understand without reading along.
But I'm sure you'll fix that eventually, as this is obviously a rough draft.

Regardless, this song stuck out to me, so I've featured it as my weekly pick for Audio. Gratz!

I like.

First thought when I started listening to this was "Avatar"... It just has that vibe to it... However, listening some more, I also hear a bit of Dragonheart... Both soundtracks I enjoy beyond belief, so that would be a good thing that those two are the first that pop into my head.

And I absolutely love the drums, may be few and far between, but that makes them that much more epic.

Kudos! Keep up the good work, and good luck in the NGADM!

BrokenDeck responds:

Thx man. I re-worked those bombo-hanger drums a few times before settling on the version you hear here.


This is why I don't understand the people that think we're the same person... You can shred a hell of a lot better than I can... In fact, I can't shred... I just kind of hit random notes and hope it sounds good, but it ends up sounding more like a dying rat running around on my fretboard instead.

Awesome track though, kudos! One day I'll catch up to you!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

haha, it would be a hell of a trick. However, I can't shred either. This is DanJohansen. That motherfucker can shred!!!!

One day, we will, brother. Thanks for the kudos and review!



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