Jaw... Meet Floor.
Of Round 1, this was by far my favorite submission. You sir, are a beast. There was practically nothing about this that I didn't like. The amazing guitar playing was... well... amazing... Awww hell, everything in this was pretty damn amazing.
I can really hear some prog influence, and being a big fan of prog, this pleased me greatly, the constant switching up kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire song, there was not a single section of the song where I felt myself bored.
And while I'm not sure, I wanna say I hear some influence from Incubus in your vocals, to me, your vocal style greatly reminded me of Incubus... which is most certainly not a bad thing. Use of somewhat unconventional vocal phrasing keeps things interesting, and sets it apart from the majority of most recycled music today.
Really, I don't know how to describe how much I enjoyed this submission. Kudos to you, sir.
The only thing that bugged me about this song, was the mixing, the kick especially, throughout a good chunk of the song, it sounded like the kick was invading the mixing relentlessly... causing unnatural compression, very noticeably on the vocal line.
Aside from that... I really can't find anything to complain about.
Very amazing stuff, I was greatly impressed with this, and it earned you a 9/10 from me.