Extremely stupid but funny... Let's call it stupid funny.
And how the hell do you splinter an egg? O.o
Extremely stupid but funny... Let's call it stupid funny.
And how the hell do you splinter an egg? O.o
The point of this was? Just makes me think you have this obsession with death or something... Seriously, who kills Santa?
PS: Yamaha drums aren't that great... Just so you know...
Wow, you totally lost me there... Was that supposed to seem totally random or is there some sort of symbolism or something behind it?
Either way, cool flash.
You did the drawing for this with the mouse? That's just amazing, I'm looking forward to seeing more flashes like this. This one had amazing style.
One word...
It's so true, I used to be one of the original punks, I used to be different than everyone else, but now half this bloody city is "punk". So, I'm not anymore. There's no such thing as individuality anymore, how everyone is conforming in one way or another. I'll admit I follow a couple, like playing guitar and snowboarding, but I do those cause they're fun, I don't do them cause they'll make me cool.
The last thing this planet needs is everyone trying to be alike, when will everyone learn that it's better to just be yourself?
That was kinda creepy, good flash... But what the hell was with the ending? Lol
Joined on 12/11/04