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Back-From-Purgatory's News

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 11th, 2011

So, I am 1 person away from 50 fans here on newgrounds, and to celebrate, once that 50th person favorites me, I will be making a newspost to run a small, simple contest, which will be detailed then, not now...

The winner of this contest will be getting a free copy of DiRT 2 via Steam. Keep in mind, I will not award this to anyone who hasn't fav'd me... Because... this is my way of showing appreciation for those that enjoy my music, it would be unfair to award it to someone who just happened upon my newspost and hasn't listened to anything I've submitted.

As an added precaution, anyone that enters must be using an account made in 2010 or earlier (Save the people that fav'd me before I made this post).

I am also planning on running a similar event once I've reached 100, so keep on checking back, because at 100 the prize will be a bit more flexible than a predetermined game!

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 10th, 2011

I've cranked out 3 covers in 3 days (Granted I spent all day on each one and didn't do anything else). Why I had this sudden burst of energy is beyond me... But here's hoping that I can carry it over into my original works as well.

Currently, I'm planning on having a friend do the vocals for Touched by an Angel, but all 3 are still open if anyone wants to take a crack at them... just give me a shout if you're interested.

The covers:

No Thank You - K-ON!!

Don't say "Lazy" - K-ON!!

Touched by an Angel (Tenshi Ni Fureta Yo) - K-ON!!

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 10th, 2011

I said I would do a couple more covers of K-ON!! songs... and I'm keeping my promise, next up is Don't Say "Lazy". Give it a listen, leave a review, let me know what you think.

"No Thank You" is also in the works... but the bass part is kicking my ass, so I can't make any promises that it'll be up soon.

Don't Say "Lazy" Youtube vid below:

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 8th, 2011

I bring wonderful news! I have done a cover of "Tenshi ni Fureta yo!" (Touched by an Angel in english).

Check it out HERE.

A couple notes about the cover... I would be more than happy if someone would like to do the actual vocals for the song... if you wish to give it a shot, shoot me a PM and I'll see about sending you the MP3 without the guitars that are filling in the vocal melodies.

Second note... the bass part was much more difficult than I thought it would be... Could be I'm just rusty because I don't usually bother putting bass parts in my songs... Or maybe it is actually slightly difficult, I don't know... but the bass is what took me the longest to record.

Last note... This song was a real pain in the ass to level properly with 6 guitars going at once.

I've been up since 8am yesterday and was up ALL night working hard to bring you guys this cover... so enjoy it or die.

I originally wanted to learn the piano version of this song... but it's ridiculously difficult... practically impossible for my current skill level on a keyboard... so this came out instead.

For those that care, I am also planning on covering "Don't Say 'Lazy'" and "No, Thank You" at some point... again... because I like the songs.

The song is now also up on Youtube.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 7th, 2011


I was on my way back from jamming with a drummer (He's done drums for a couple of the metal tracks I have uploaded), and as I'm pulling up behind this guy in the left turning lane (Nothing in front of him) he slams on his brakes, and screeches to a stop, forcing me to almost swerve off the god damn road to avoid him... I manage to screech to a stop before that's necessary, then he gives me the finger and pulls over to the side of the road like he expected me to get out of my car and come fight him...

What the fuck is wrong with people these days? I wasn't behind him until I was near the lights, so it's not like he'd be mad for me tailgating him as I just got there... So that leads me to believe the fucking douche did it just to provoke me... Of course it didn't work... It pissed me off to no end, but that low life wouldn't be worth my time... if I'm gonna get out of my car to kick the shit out of someone, it's gonna be over more than someone trying (and failing) to get me to rear end them.

But still... what the hell is wrong with people?

Part of me thinks it was my ex-best friend... he's a fucking terrible driver, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was in a rental... And he's immature enough that I could see him pulling a stunt like that... I didn't manage to get a look at them as I drove by, so I'm not positive, but that would make more sense than some random guy pulling that stunt... I did however return their finger as I passed.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 6th, 2011

... I don't even....

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 4th, 2011

Bring on the hate... But it's the truth.

Everywhere on the net I go, I see just as much hate mongering coming from Americans as it likely came from Bin Laden to his own people. Bin Laden leveled a couple buildings... The States retaliated by stealing oil from uninvolved countries and killing hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians in search of the terrorist.

Really, the States isn't doing much for it's reputation... Not that it had much of one to begin with. Sure, it sucks that all those people lost their lives in the 9/11 attack... But imagine how the innocents on the other side feel when the States barged into their country and leveled their homes, killed their husbands/wives/children trying to find a bad apple amongst a country of mostly innocent people.

An American soldier dies, and the news here goes mad, throwing even more hate mongering around... Where's the news of the innocent people that soldier likely killed looking for Bin Laden?

Then Bin Laden dies, instead of bowing your heads in respect to all the innocent people that died on both sides so you could have your revenge, you roam the streets waving American flags shouting hateful slurs about a people that, who as a whole, had little to nothing to do with the terrorist attack in the first place.

This is why the better majority of the world hates the US. But that's ok as long as you have your pride, right?

I for one, am glad I am not American, I could not stand to live in a country that resorts to the same despicable practices that the terrorists likely took part in after the 9/11 attack.
That's right... I just said the US is no better than the terrorists.

The truth hurts.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 2nd, 2011

I have finished the instrumental version of my latest song "Them". As I stated in my previous newspost, this immediately became the favorite of everything I have ever written. Something about it moves me, and I'm hoping it moves you as well.

I have gone all out with this one, not only is it up here, it is also up on Soundcloud and Youtube, which is pretty rare considering I almost always ignore 2 of those mediums and keep my songs on just Newgrounds. But I want to get this one out there, it has potential.

As an added note, vocals are planned for this song, and someone I'm sure more than a few people who read this will be familiar with will be making an appearance. Hatsune Miku herself is set to do the vocals for this song once I get them all written out.

In any case... Until the vocal version arrives, enjoy the instrumental!

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 1st, 2011

And no, I'm not referencing Poltergeist. Quite the opposite, I'm speaking of the world in my head which the latest song I've been writing has created. I've never felt so moved by one of my own pieces before, so I figure it deserves it's own newspost.

I'm not going to go on to explain what this new world in my head is like as per the cliché. Why? Because I want everyone to experience it differently, and if I put out a story of what it means to me, all that will generate is different variations on what's already been told.
Maybe some day down the road I'll spill it... but not today.

Anyways, give it a listen, and if you so please, leave a review, I do try to return reviews, assuming you leave an honest and helpful one to begin with. I can tell when people are ass kissing to get reviews, and I won't respond to those.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /417475

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 28th, 2011

... to my ghetto studio. After a long wild goose chase for something that apparently isn't in existence anymore, I settled for the next item on my list... which was an M-Audio 88es. An 88 key (Full range = Woo!) MIDI Keyboard. I was getting sick of not having enough keys with my dinky 3 octave (37 key) synth to play the stuff I wanted to play... so I bought this behemoth...

Sadly, having this thing means I no longer have any desk space whatsoever... which I guess will force me to keep it clean for a change.

A New Addition