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Back-From-Purgatory's News

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 23rd, 2011

I have decided that any social medium is better than none to get my music out there, so I have officially started up a Twitter account (@BFPurgatory) to let all those who care know when I put out new songs, or my plans in regards to music in general.

I expect to see all 39 people who've added me as a favorite to follow me, if you don't, I'll have to bring Fluffy back. Fluffy hasn't eaten since last time, so I guarantee you he's hungry for more souls.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 22nd, 2011

I am officially pushing my metal projects down the priority list. My orchestral/electronic stuff is what's getting all of the attention... I've had a remix played in a strip club in Oklahoma, I've had 2 piano pieces in flash games, I have numerous people asking me to create stuff for them should they want to make a flash game/toon, my electronic stuff is being featured in the underrated audio collab... Metal at this point is looking like a dead end road.

I love writing metal... but obviously my strength for creating more universally enjoyable music lies in my Orchestral/electronic music. I've yet to have anyone want to use any of my metal in any kind of project. The only thing I have uploaded that got any kind of attention in regards to metal was a cover.

Fortunately... I love writing orchestral/electronic stuff just as much as I do metal... And I don't need to worry about finding people to make a band with to play live with that stuff either.

Guess I'll be spending my money on a new MIDI Keyboard instead of a new 6-string guitar.

I'll still write metal... but I think from here on out, I'm going to be putting a lot more effort into my other stuff... The dream of a touring musician is an extremely difficult dream to make come true... some would call it borderline impossible with the current state of the music industry... especially if you play metal. Soundtrack work on the other hand is well paying, a hell of a lot more reliable, and gets your music out to a hell of a lot more people than playing live shows as a band does.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 6th, 2011

Keeping on with the theme of my previous newspost... As morbid as it was, details aside... I'm back... and seeing a psychiatrist. I've been classified as a "high risk" individual, and have been given a few options for "treatment".

I can't say I'm fond of any of these options in all honesty, but in hindsight, while I'm still in a sane state of mind, they're probably a good idea.
And on an implied suggestion from the first (of the 3 I've seen so far) psychiatrist, I have taken indefinite leave from my current job (Shift work, days and nights). Seeing as where I work can be a dangerous place for someone with my current state of mind, not to mention the constantly shifting sleep schedule, it was decided that until I work out a few things, that I'd be better off on leave.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if I had a job by the time I'm done, they can't outright fire me because of the reason I'm taking this leave, but employers always have their ways of twisting the situation to let someone go. And I wouldn't be surprised if they did, as the 2 days in which I disappeared, both of them were work days, and neither of them I called in (Second I couldn't as I was nowhere near a phone).

In any case... here's to hoping I can be a sane individual again sometime in the future and I can get back to working on my music.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 27th, 2011

Listen to my latest music or Fluffy shall devour your souls.

Listen or be Devoured.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 16th, 2011

"This particular attachment is nothing more than a guarantee of sustainability for a flame that desires no light."

"Depression is not because you are weak. Depression is because you've been strong for too long."
-http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ki shari/she-is-strong

"Beyond the veil lie truths untold, yet duplicity grips the once clear sky. We fight to know, to see, but we settle for complacency in our quotidian existence. Perhaps we concede to blissful ignorance. I, however, propose we are but afraid of the obscure."

"We live inside a living, breathing juggernaut. His eye sees all. If we are so free then why are our minds not meant to be. Don't believe thy majesty, they'll eat you alive."
-I Am Abomination

"I'm so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger, sick of you acting like I owe you this. Find another place to feed your greed, while I find a place to rest."
-Linkin Park

"Words are useless when your actions speak for you."

"From the light we can see not into the darkness, but from the darkness we can see all."

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 3rd, 2011

So, recently I have been trying something new when it comes to writing my music... I've been writing it to pictures that I feel convey one emotion or another. Oddly enough, I find it much easier to get a clearcut feeling out of my music this way. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that this is one of my most emotional and touching songs I've ever done, even if it's a tad short.

For this song, I drew inspiration from a character named Yin (As evident by the title) from the anime "Darker Than Black". She's a blind girl with the unnatural ability to send out a form of living spy camera through any body of water, from a puddle to the ocean. Early in the anime you are led to believe she is not human, but a "Doll" created for use by "The Syndicate" to track down abnormal humans called "Contractors". Later in the season, however, there is a flashback into Yins life as a child, revealing a fair bit of her somewhat depressing backstory.

Here's the song, picture should be attached as well.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /396649

Extra note:
This song is also the first song I have ever sold to a flash artist... It has made me proud... Be sure to check the game out! (The link should be on the song page)

Darker Than Black

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - January 3rd, 2011

I am dedicating this posting to a couple artists that have come to my attention over the last few days that just blew me away. It's not often that a band shoots right close to the top of my favorite artists list, but the one I mention here did just that. The next artist is just a bass player, but calling him just that is almost an insult. To put things in perspective, I am a big fan of John Myung's bass playing (Bassist from Dream Theater), he can play guitar solos on a bass better than most lead players can on an electric guitar. But this guy... I hate to say it, he almost makes John Myung look like an amateur. But enough with the summary, let's get to it:

First up, the band that recently blew me away:
I Am Abomination
I'll be honest, the way I heard of these guys is kind of lame, but I'm glad I did, despite this. I was over at a friends place for a small New Years Eve party, and something we often do, is play RockBand. He had just gotten RockBand 3, along with the keyboard controller, and being the multi-talented (sure, I'm not amazing at anything in particular, but I like to think I'm at least decent at it all) person I am, I decided to try pro keys (Which I failed at miserably)...
But anyways... After doing a few sets, we decided to browse through the rockband network (I.E. in game store where you buy downloadable tracks), and this band popped up in the metal section. We were all joking, seeing the name "I Am Abomination", that it was probably just another shitty death metal band that sounds like they're more concerned with being as loud and fast as possible that they forget to make their stuff actually sound like music.

Well... that was the worst assumption I have ever made. Just for shits and giggles, we played the preview of the track, my jaw just dropped. I was speechless... I had never been so pleasantly surprised in my entire life. This band is technical, melodic, heavy, and so full of soul that they immediately jumped right up near the top of my favorite artists list. Still, after having listened to two of their albums (Which can be found on iTunes) all the way through (Multiple times I might add), the effect has not faded, the quality of this seemingly under-appreciated band is just awe-inspiring.

You owe it to yourself if you like metal to check these guys out, you will not be sorry.

Next up:
Victor Wooten
The... Most... Skilled... Bass... Player... EVER.

There is no doubt about it... this guy is practically a god on a bass guitar. I used to play bass myself before switching to guitar, so I know a few of the less advanced tricks, but this guy... watching him play that bass makes me feel like I've never touched a musical instrument in my entire life (Despite having been in national competitions in an orchestra when I was younger as a tenor sax player).

He is without a doubt my new favorite bass player, the things he can do on a bass guitar rival the innovation and skill of Buckethead on his guitar, this guy doesn't need a band, what he does as is, is already an orgasmic experience for the ears.

To be honest, I don't even know if this guy has a band, if he does, I really hope his talent isn't wasted with 4 note basslines like so many bassists do.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - December 13th, 2010

Well, once again my best friend decided to show their true colors, and once again, I threw them to the curb.

Difference is, they've used their one chance to make everything better, this time, it doesn't matter how much grovelling they do, I'm not taking them back. I can only take so much god damn stupidity.

You want to turn everything into a game that you just have to win? Fine, let's see you struggle for eternity to win back my friendship this time, douchebag.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - December 10th, 2010

The bells are ringing, the choirs are singing, and everywhere kids are awaiting the arrival of good ol' jolly Saint Nick...

Aww... who am I kidding, I hate Christmas, it's too damn sappy. Turn those carols metal and santas reindeer into Harley's and I'll start enjoying it.

But for now, I'll have to write my own Xmas metal, so toodles, time to spread the xmas whiplash (From headbanging to the metal I'm gonna write, get it? Har har har... Ok... I'm leaving now).

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - September 5th, 2010

And my Every Day Noise Contest has finally come to a close. For those not familiar with it and would not like to read through the massive thread to get the idea: The idea of the contest was to take noises/sounds you would hear in your every day life (Including the 5 required sounds I put forward) and mix them all into a 2+ minute song. And while the turn out was fairly small, the entries were great.

Of those entries (All of which you can find in the thread), only one came out on top, and that winner was djInTheDark with:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /358873

A great effort by all, but djInTheDark impressed the judges and took the win with an impressive drumline-esque pots and pan showdown.

djInTheDark would also like to share:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /357508

As well as checking out his awesome selection of music, be sure to head over to his FaceBook and his SoundCloud account to hear/learn more about the guy.

Also make sure to congratulate him on his winning of the contest while you're there!

And be sure to check back as I have numerous other contests coming!