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Back-From-Purgatory's News

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 4th, 2015

It's that time... I have finally finished another song (Well, I finished it about a week ago, more on that later).  This is the longest I have ever worked on a single trance track, so I'm hoping people enjoy it.  Like, comment, subscribe, share, such and such things and stuff.

The likes goal has already been reached for the free HD download of the song (Which you can find in the description of the video).

If it isn't evident already, Youtube will be my primary method of sharing music from now on for completed tracks.  I will also be uploading the songs to Soundcloud to provide download links, and I may post works in progress on soundcloud as well.

If you want to know about stuff I finish earlier, please do follow me on twitter, like me on Facebook, or come hang out with me and others on my offical forums (The front end site is still under construction).  Links for all of these are below.

And as always, please do let me know what you think.

Official Forums




Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 21st, 2015

So, I've been fairly busy lately, and soon to be much, much more busy with overtime coming up at work (2 months of it in fact, 12 days on, 2 off, 12 hour shifts... for 2 months straight).  On the plus side, I'll have a new song up before I disappear for 2 months due to work, the downside is I'm going to disappear for 2 months due to work, clearly.

In an effort to keep up with the times, I have gone ahead and made not only a twitter account, but a facebook account as well, I will be trying to keep up with people there with smaller, not whole newspost worthy information, like... how much procrastination I'm doing instead of working on new music, or how many hours I spent working on 2 seconds of audio.  So... be sure to follow and such there for more frequent updates and happenings.

Those that take the time to check the above will find updates as I'm finishing my latest song, with any luck, it will be finished before the weekend is over, but I make no promises.


In regards to "Sexy time with Phyrnna", in addition to my music getting an official face finally (I.E. Kira), there's already some "shipping" going on between me and Phyrnna.  Of course, most people this has reached so far know who Phyrnna is, and are like, "Who the hell is the other chick?"... But I'm confident that in time, Kira will be a bit more recognizable.  More so if I actually work on my music and do social like things more often than I have been the last 2 years.

Regardless, below is the "shipping" mentioned above, enjoy:


Added note:
Phyrnna is totally showboating them wings, I disapprove.  Damn show off.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 2nd, 2015

The official face of Back From Purgatory.

Meet Kira:



And as always, please do check out my other links below:
Official Forums



Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - February 11th, 2015

So, it's been a while since I've posted any kind of update, and seeing as I'm finally on vacation after nearly 3 years of nonstop working, I figured it's a good time to actually post an update.

First off, if you haven't already, please do check out my forums, my soundcloud, and my youtube channel, as pretty much all of my stuff is exclusive to those 3 places (Yes, that means I am no longer posting my music on NG).

In regards to youtube, I have recently posted a few videos that I had kind of been neglecting for a while (Also... my aftereffects was kinda broken), check them out below:




I will be doing videos of this nature for all of my finished songs now, so youtube will be probably the best place to find anything new I do.  On the note of new things, I am currently working on a couple new songs and hoping to have them finished before I go back to work on the 23rd.


Lastly, I just went shopping, and came back with a brand spanking new guitar.  Why?  Because I got sick of using a shitty walmart quality guitar for my metal stuff.  It both looks and sounds gorgeous.  I don't have anything recorded with it yet, but keep an eye on my forums, soundcloud, and/or youtube and something will pop up sooner or later, as I have been rattling around a few ideas for more metal.

Behold... My new Schecter Blackjack SLS C1 above... because NG doesn't seem to want to let me put the picture at the bottom of the post.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - December 4th, 2014

Some of you have already noticed I am no longer an Audio or BBS mod, and no, I was not kicked off, I requested to be demodded.  Why?  Well, it's all in the title.  I am leaving Newgrounds.

I have many and various reasons for this decision, which I'm not going to go into.  But I will no longer be modding audio or the forums, I will no longer be posting on or even visiting the forums, and I will no longer be posting my music here.  What I will not be doing is having my account deleted, I have gained the vast majority of my fans here, and I think it'd be a complete waste to just wipe that out.

What I will still be doing is utilizing my newspost and answering PMs.  But that is about as far as my activity on NG will go from here on forward.  I will still share here on my newspost when I upload a new song (Mostly on my Soundcloud and Youtube Channel).

I had a good run, but I'm moving on.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - November 7th, 2014

I've removed my skype contact information from my profile, because I'm sick of people adding me and either asking for tits and/or nudes or adding me to unload their arrogance or ignorant remarks about my life or my personality.

I'm not a character, and I'm not an act, if you don't like how I act, don't fucking talk to me.  I'm sick of people adding me and acting like I owe them something.

If you want to add me on skype, send me a PM, I will no longer be accepting random contact requests.


Fun side note... I put out a new song not that long ago, you should go listen to it:
Tonight Will Be The Night


And because it seems kinda lame to leave it at that... have a nice picture of BRS I found recently:


As far as I know, this is the original artist.  It's the only profile I can find with the raw picture anyways.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - November 4th, 2014

Didn't think I'd actually have this done so fast... But, shit happens.

New song is up for your listening pleasure (hopefully).  Be sure to let me know what you think.

Tonight Will Be The Night

As always, I did a bunch of stuff different from what I usually do.  Seems I do that on every new song lately, I like experimenting I guess.  But there's vocals in there courtesy of the Lollievox vocal pack from Image-Line, in particular, I'm using the resynthesis pack with Harmor to shape the vocals to my liking, as the raw vocal samples didn't really fit with the song at all.

And once again, I believe this may be the most CPU intensive project yet.  Takes ages to load up this project, automation everywhere, dozens of instruments/effects.  Gonna need myself an SSD and more RAM at this rate.

Anywho... Enjoy.

Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - October 30th, 2014

Something's coming...

And yep, I'm wasting a front page post to tease it.


Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - October 4th, 2014

Ok, I've been really bad lately for being kinda inactive and not keeping people in the loop about what's going on.  I say I'm doing things, then they seem to just never happen.  Part of this is due to being busy with my job, part of it is procrastination, and part of it is lack of inspiration or motivation.

But I'm trying really hard to stop being inactive and start doing things productive more often.  I've cut back on my gaming time to spend more time on music and other things.  And now I'm looking for some input on what you guys would like to see as a priority.  So what I'm going to do is list off a lot of stuff that I'm working on, or am thinking about working on, and you can tell me what you want to see, what you don't, and where on the priority list you'd like to see it.  Because I'm trying to do a million things at once, and it just isn't working, and in turn, pretty much nothing ends up getting done.

So here we go, here are some current projects/ideas on my plate:

  • Miku metal.  Yes, I will be writing some Miku metal, I have already started, but progress is slow.
  • Live streaming, either of myself writing music, or playing games.  I did this for a bit a while back, and it wasn't really a huge thing, but it's something I'd like to revisit if there's interest.  And as much as I hate to add this, I might maybe include streaming of myself practicing drawing... maybe... I'm super self conscious about my drawing, but it's not out of the question if people want to see it.
  • Let's Plays/commentaries/walkthroughs, I've always been interested in doing this, but I'm not extremely sociable, and can never really think of much to say.  I know people have requested me to play certain things in the past, but I'd like to get a better idea of how much interest there is in this.  Of course, should I start doing this, the videos will be uploaded to my youtube channel.
  • Commissions.  I've always more or less hated the idea of doing commissions, because I'm terrible at writing music for other people, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw it out there as a possibility.
  • Tutorials?  Maybe you want to know how I do certain things with my music, maybe you want to know how Vocaloid works, or maybe you just want some basics for getting started in creating stuff.
  • My site/forums (Link is to the forums... cause the site itself is still basically an empty template).  I really want to stop being lazy and get my site more fleshed out and have it be a place people actually want to visit.


Those aside, I'm also in the midst of a collab with another NG artist that could potentially be a big thing, I won't share any details yet, as it's very much in a pre-alpha state... But it's something to look forward to.  What I will say, is that involves the below:


I really want to get out of the slump I'm in, and I don't want to use my job as an excuse for not getting anything done anymore.  It does take up a very large chunk of time, but that shouldn't stop me from working on other things.

So yeah, thoughts, feedback, questions, comments, concerns?


Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - July 15th, 2014

Been a while since I've done a metal track....

Vocaloud anyone...?

That's Vocaloid metal for those of you who don't know...

