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    Back-From-Purgatory's News

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 30th, 2012

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 20th, 2012

    Long time no post... And surprisingly, I actually have something to talk about this time... aside from my love for rain.

    First off, I've finally uploaded something new... another cover... because everything else I'm working on is gonna go on my album, and I don't wanna spoil it. But yeah... I didn't even know this song existed til I saw a Youtube video of someone playing a MIDI of it through Synthesia... I immediately downloaded it and learned it.
    ... Then I recorded myself playing it, and uploaded it... Cause it's pretty, that's all the reason I need.

    Watch Me Bleed - Originally done by Scary Kids Scaring Kids

    Give a listen, let me know what you think... Unlike a couple other piano pieces I have up right now, this one I actually played all the way through, very minimal editing... I deleted a couple of accidental extra notes and messed with the velocity a little bit because I haven't fine tuned my MIDI Keyboard velocity settings just right yet since I reinstalled Windows.

    Yep, still working on it... Funny story, while playing the cover above, it gave me an idea for a song for my album, a mellow piano piece, I'm also working on an orchestral metal song, as well as what might possibly be straight up metal.
    At this point in time, I don't have any concrete plans for trance yet in regards to the album, although I do have a few unfinished projects lying around that may end up making the cut after I finish them.

    As mentioned in the past, a donation will get you a copy of the album when I finish it (Minimum $1), you can use the link on the left side bar that's conveniently labeled "Donate!" to do so.

    1: Diablo 3 is fun times.
    2: I think my monitor or graphics card is dying... or god forbid... both.
    3: I'll be changing the theme of my profile soon (Themed Black Rock Shooter now, previously was themed Yin from Darker Than Black). Am open to suggestions.
    4: I'm trying to learn Moonlight Sonata.
    5: The cover above is the first piano piece I've learned to play with hand over hand action.

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - May 5th, 2012

    I love the smell of rain.

    That is all.


    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 24th, 2012

    So, I'm working on a song for my album, and I've run into a bit of a dilemma... I started out with a 3 guitar melodic intro, that was going to build up into an epic orchestral metal verse... Then I replaced the 3 guitars with piano... Then I put the guitars back and wrote out a piano section on it's own based off of the riffs I was using in the intro, which ended up all on it's lonesome in FL Studio instead of me ending up exporting it to Midi to put into the song I was writing.

    ... Then I deleted everything and recorded what was originally my idea for the verse which ended up being the intro for a completely different song... Then I played a solo over it... hated it, deleted it... Played another one and sped it up x2 to see what it'd sound like at the speed I ideally wanted to play it at.

    Then I started writing an orchestral piece based off of the piano thing I did earlier.

    Then I realized I was having an ADD attack and saved everything and gave up before I flew through a million different ideas without actually getting anything done.
    If nothing else... I at least have a bunch of ideas to flesh out now... Granted by the time I'm done this album, I'll probably have 5000 different song ideas laying around on top of whatever makes it onto the album itself.

    And I think I had something else to talk about here... but it's completely slipped my mind at this point... so instead, I'll leave this sexy little link here:
    Donate to get my album when it's released!

    Also, new linkage over
    <----- Here... Check them out!

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 16th, 2012

    As the title of this newspost suggests, I have a touchy topic in mind, that could very well turn people away.

    What is it you ask?

    Yep, I'm touching on the topic of donations. Now before everyone gets the wrong idea, I'm not asking for anything, all I'm doing is providing the option.

    In reality, there are 2 reasons I have opened up a donation box:
    1: As a means for people to essentially "pre-order" the album I'm working on.
    2: To help motivate me.

    Number 1 is pretty straight forward and obvious, you donate, you get a copy of my album (Which was planned to be a pay what you think it's worth album anyways, so it all works out).
    Number 2 is a bit trickier... Long story short, as implied by my last newspost, I have a hard time believing anyone enjoys my stuff... Why? I don't know, and I won't get into it.
    But if people are donating, I have more of a reason to write, and write more often, which in the end should mean more quality stuff, sooner, instead of how I'll go into 2 month hiatus's from creating anything because I just don't feel there's any point.

    Anyways, enough explaining... everything considered, I figured if nothing else, it was worth a shot at least once, if it flops, then whatever, I'll let it die until the album is released and open 'er back up again for purchases (If I don't decide to go through another source instead of doing things completely independent).

    So, the moment of truth, the donation link, do with it what you will:
    Donation Box

    Points for no "Gimme money cause my life is hard" sob story?

    If you do for whatever reason decide to donate, please let me know, so that I can add you to the list of people to receive a copy of my album whenever I finally finish it. And please note, only donations above $1 will get you a copy of the album... Admit it, you'd feel pretty insulted too if you someone paid $0.01 for your efforts.

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - April 7th, 2012

    So... I've been noticing recently that my stuff has been getting a lot more attention lately... Where did this sudden, seemingly random, boom of interest in my music come from?

    Someone even said I was "popular" in chat a couple days back, to which I thought, "Me? Popular? Not possible."

    Have I just been ignorant... clueless... about some increase in interest in my stuff? Or... what?

    Someone explain, before I hurt myself trying to think over how this happened.

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 30th, 2012

    ...And so the power struggle intensifies. This slippery slope seemingly insurmountable.

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 20th, 2012

    So, as I've hinted at in the past, I've been debating working on an actual album... And now, I've decided to actually release one.

    ... Catch is, it's not done yet. Far from it.

    Although I do have some details to share regarding it:
    1: I'm planning on releasing it as a "Pay what you think it's worth" album.
    2: The album will include both old songs as well as album exclusive songs (Meaning they won't be obtainable anywhere but with that album).
    3: I may or may not do a few hard copies on request... although since shipping then becomes an issue, there will be a set price (Undecided) for actual physical copies.
    4: It will be a mix of genres, and not focus on just one style of music, if all goes well, it should be fairly equal between the genres.

    And lastly, I'm taking requests for old songs you may want on the album... Any old song of mine that goes on the album will more than likely be remastered/remade to give it a bit more polish.

    And that's all I've got for today. Feedback, comments, questions, concerns... Go!

    Also... new "song":
    Nightmare Lollipop
    And Acid-Paradox's take on it!
    Nightmare Kitty Kat

    Completely random "gonna sit down and play piano" tune. A random name for a random song... it all works out.

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 15th, 2012

    ... Ok, this newspost won't be as pointless as my last.

    I'm going up to my hometown to visit my grandpa tomorrow. And I love Mass Effect 3.

    See? Conversation fodder!

    Also... as requested by 161425, the full picture of my icon:

    It's not AS useless!

    Posted by Back-From-Purgatory - March 14th, 2012

    ...I made a newspost that was entirely useless... True story.

    It was so much fun that I just had to laugh:

    This one time...